The most successful companies are usually those that can react quickly to new market conditions. That may mean selling your company or an asset, making an acquisition or strategic alliance, or adding new products or services. That’s why, regardless of your growth rate and financial position, you should consider strategic opportunities on a regular basis.
Consider us. Paladin provides you with alternatives, and lets you concentrate on decision- making. We also bring experience, creativity and tenacity to identify and close with transaction partners. Our territory is worldwide, with particular experience in the U.S. and the UK.
In the M&A arena, we're connected with an international network of investment bankers, capital groups, commercial real estate equity groups and brokers, banks and other financial services providers. We work with public companies interested in divesting assets, as well as private company owners seeking to sell, acquire, or merge. Our clients have included companies with tens of billions of revenue and many much smaller ones. We could go on at great length, but the importance of M&A work rather speaks for itself. We'll advise you on working with the right opportunities, and we'll help you succeed.